Tuesday 11 September 2012


Premature Ejaculation or Controlling Ejaculation is a very big issue for many men. So many men are embarrassed to mention however do I manage myself? However am i able to last longer, be firmer and do better? The answer is working out your pubococcygeus muscles (PC) muscles, by doing Kegel exercises for men.
Kegel Exercise
Kegel exercises (also known as pelvic floor exercises) have been known to assist men with premature ejaculation, which is when a man ejaculates too quickly.  However, there’s been some talk among experts in sexuality that it will also help erectile dysfunction.  Erectile dysfunction is a difficulty getting and/or keeping an erection.  A recent study of 55 men with erectile dysfunction, showed that 40% who did kegels everyday for 6 months regained normal sexual function.


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